Plotting of 2-Dim histograms in various formats.

 /HISTOGRAM/2D_PLOT/LEGO [ id theta phi chopt ]

          Histogram Identifier Loop
          Angle THETA in degrees D=30.
          Angle PHI in degrees D=30.
          Options D=' '


 '' ''
       Hidden line algorithm is used.
       Hidden surface algorithm is used. The colour of the lego is given by SET HCOL CI where CI is a colour index. For
       the top and the sides of the lego the same hue is used but with a different light.
       Hidden surface algorithm is used. The colour of each bar changes according to the value of Z. It is possible to change
       the set of colours used with SET HCOL c.L where L define a palette of colours given by the command

Draw a lego plot from 2-Dim or 1-Dim histograms. It is also possible to produce stacked lego plots. A stacked lego plot
consists of a superimposition of several histograms, whose identifiers are given in the command LEGO separated by the
character '+'.

    PAW > LEGO ID1+ID2+ID3    | Maximum number of ID's is 10. The colours of
                              | each IDn is given by the command ATT/PALETTE


    PAW > SET HCOL 2          | The colour the histogram is 2 (red)
    PAW > LEGO 20             | Display a lego with lines
    PAW > LEGO 20 ! ! 1       | Display a lego with different lights
    PAW > LEGO 20 ! ! 2       | Display a lego with colours
    PAW > PALETTE  1 3 2 3 4  | Create the palette number 1 with 3
                              | elements: 2,3
    PAW > SET HCOL 0.1        | The subsequent stack lego plots will use list 1
    PAW > LEGO 10+20+30       | Plot a stack of lego plots with lines
    PAW > LEGO 10+20+30 ! ! 1 | Plot a stack of lego plots with light

The commands OPTION BAR, SET BARW and SET BARO act on lego plots

The options 1 and 2 must be used only on selective erase devices.

 /HISTOGRAM/2D_PLOT/SURFACE [ id theta phi chopt ]

          Histogram Identifier Loop
          Angle THETA in degrees D=30.
          Angle PHI in degrees D=30.
          Options D=' '


 '' ''
       Hidden line algorithm is used.
       Hidden surface algorithm is used and each cell is filled with a colour corresponding to the Z value (or grey scale
       with PostScript). It is possible to change the set of colours used with SET HCOL ic.L where L define a palette of
       colours given by the command ATT/PALETTE.
       Similar to option '1' except that the cell lines are not drawn. This is very useful to draw contour plots with colours if
       THETA=90 and PHI=0.
       Surface is drawn with a contour plot in color on top. The contour plot is drawn with the colors defined with the
       command PALETTE.
       Surface is drawn with Gouraud shading.

Draw a surface plot from 2-Dim or 1-Dim histograms. With this command it is possible to draw color contour plots:

       PAW > ATT/PAL 1 3 2 3 4   | Define the palette 1 with 3 elements
       PAW > SET HCOL 0.1        | Set the list 1 as colours for histograms
       PAW > SET NDVZ 4          | Set the number of Z divisions to 4
       PAW > SURF id 90 0 2      | Draw the contour

The options 1 to 4 must be used only on selective erase devices.

 /HISTOGRAM/2D_PLOT/CONTOUR [ id nlevel chopt param ]

           Histogram Identifier Loop
           Number of contour lines D=10
           Options D='1'
           Vector of contour levels


       Use colour to distinguish contours.
       Use line style to distinguish contours.
       Line style and colour are the same for all contours.
       The contour is drawn with filled colour levels. The levels are equidistant. The color indices are taken in the current
       palette (defined with the command PALETTE). If the number of levels (NLEVEL) is greater than the number of
       entries in the current palette, the palette is explore again from the beginning in order to reach NLEVEL.
       Superimpose plot on top of existing picture.

Draw a contour plot from a 2-Dim histogram. If PARAM is not given, contour levels are equidistant. If given, the vector
PARAM may contain up to 50 values.


       Fun2 2 x*y 40 0 1 40 0 1 ' '   | Create a 2D histogram
       V/Cr PAR(5) R .1 .11 .3 .31 .5 | Define the contours
       Contour 2 5 ! PAR              | Draw the non equidistant contours

Note: The non equidistant contours are not implemented with the option '3'.